A design and technology tournament!

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Arlen Hill should definietly consider setting up a design and technology torunament for our young people. It would be a tournament with different categories, perhaps:

  • A brief for a website design and development
  • A brief to build a machine to kick a ball the furthest using pre-designated materials and resources
  • A brief to plan, script and film an advert for a product

Hopefully the Council can provide a suitable prize. But more importantly it will be a fun thing for the kids and young people to participate in, whilst also generating interest in the design and technology sectors. These are sectors which will become increasingly important in the years to come.

Why the contribution is important

It is important for kids to engage in healthy competition to build both their resilience as well help them strive for goals and improve on their skills.

The competition will hopefully help build interest and enthusiasm for design and in particular technology to seed future leaders in those sectors.

It will provide a great recreational and educational experience for all those participating. Perhaps on top of the competition it could include a talk/presentation from a local technology, engineering or design firm?

by johnsmith100 on June 29, 2015 at 04:47PM