Promote vegan lifestyle

I think the council should start promoting veganism and host events around the council area. Agriculture has one of the largest impacts on the environment but currently there is not much focus on reducing meat intake. 

Why the contribution is important

Hosting events and promoting the effects of reducing meat consumption will help educate citizens on what they can do to have an impact. 

by ArlenHillResident1 on September 06, 2022 at 03:08PM

Current Rating

Average rating: 3.3
Based on: 3 votes


  • Posted by Resident123 September 06, 2022 at 18:48

    This will definitely help but I don't think it's the biggest thing we can do as a council.
  • Posted by resident52 September 07, 2022 at 10:42

    I think veganism is a very personal choice and the council shouldn't be seen to be actively promoting it. Many local businesses and industries in the area could not exist if everyone was vegan (think local dairy farms, the cheese factory etc). However promoting healthy diets in general, supporting ethical farming practices and encouraging people to cut down on their meat consumption would be a good thing.
  • Posted by DemoTesting October 25, 2022 at 16:52

    I agree
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